SafeHope Home is a faith-based, long-term recovery programs aimed at empowering women who have experienced sexual exploitation or trafficking, or are at risk of such, to achieve full rehabilitation and a fulfilling reintegration into the community. Guided by their mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus, they provide safe housing, access to post-secondary education, counseling, and a range of supportive services. Their outreach program is dedicated to meeting participants where they are, offering personalized support and wrapping services around their unique needs.
The live-in program includes a trauma recovery day program, which provides a safe and supportive environment for healing at the participant's pace. Through their safe housing program, they ensure a secure and nurturing space for women to begin their journey
towards recovery and empowerment.
For more information https://www.safehopehome.com
Thank you for your prayerful consideration in supporting this ministry that is bringing restoration to young women who have faced unimaginable circumstances. You can play a role in seeing these accounts of abuse and trauma turned to stories of transformation
and healing!
ONLINE GIVING - available at eond.org/give
TEXT TO GIVE - text EOND to 73256
MAIL TO - EOND (memo line - Life Funds) PO BOX 337, Cobourg, ON K9A 4K8
FOE MORE INFORMATION: Amie Bolton at abolton@eod.paoc.org